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LISTENER – Game of Abundance & Deepak Chopra

In this game of abundance, the first step is to cultivate an abundance consciousness, viewing life as a magical adventure where our needs are met with grace and ease. This includes seeing beauty everywhere, having gratitude as our primary emotion, and trusting in the cosmic plan.

To access the deep power of silence within, make yourself comfortable, close your eyes, and go within to that place of inner quiet where we experience our connection. This is where you can access the space between two thoughts, beyond our five senses.

Listening is an art that begins with your senses, as you take in the other person’s story without judgment. Then, analyze it with your mind, feel with your heart what the words are trying to convey, and understand the context of the other person’s life.

Express gratitude for all that you have, as this will clear the way for even greater abundance to flow into your life. Remember, abundance is your birthright.

Finally, trust in your innate ability to be present and mindful with others. This trust is empowering, giving you the space to express yourself and co-create with your Higher Self.

Remember, everything you desire is within you.

-Deepak Chopra, Digital Twin